Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Creativity and New Media

Based off of the articles I read in my previous blog many people use new media for different purposes. My main focus with new media would be on ways it can help the training and developing for a business. I love the idea of creating a virtual tour and having avatars to make the experience not only fun but creative for employees. 
It is challenging for myself to come into play with this because many things are paper and pen to me. However, the impact new media has with making this a lot more efficient and understanding will not only give a fresh perspective to a company but truly make the experience one of a kind. 
In today's day there are many sites to help create an avatar however, for a company, I think it would be a great part of the on boarding process. Some may see this as unprofessional but this may be a step in making a work environment something comfortable to be in. 
Creating this on a companies intranet would be the best step and showing its progression based off of the job requirements. Similar to the avachara site where one can create themselves,  a company would need something similar to give everyone the experience of being a part of something.


New Media fosters creativity.

New Media takes creativity to another level. The opportunity to create is no longer limited when one can see it come to life on a screen and experience it as it is in their presence. In the two articles I reviewed, Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers, this reminds me of the time the video game NBA 2K was first created. Although its been quite some time that many can create their persons on a a video game, NBA2K took this to another level. Creativity is being used greatly when it comes to video games. In the article is states that many designs and projects are all created digitally. This is reinventing everything for companies.
In another article, 1+1+1=1, it is expressed that music is extremely effected by this new digital media. It is safe to say that music is a different world because of the creativity in new media.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used in many ways. Two of the ways shown in the two articles I reviewed were a virtual tour of a hotel that once was very different looking and another article in which a virtual game was created for Autistic individuals.
What was amazing about the video game created is that it helps with autism spectrum disorders by having a creative environment but also assisting on social behaviour. My worry with this is if the individuals would make this a safe place and not be able to connect it to the real world. This article on CNN, it explains  this can help social skills which is exciting, however, I do hope it does not challengle them.

I am not too sure what the future of virtual worlds will look like however I am more than sure they will become more and more realistic. Many individuals escape in to virtual worlds. I do believe things will become very much like avatar where people can close their eyes and escape.
In the article, In Room 100, It’s Sid and Nancy All Over Again By 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blog About Twitter

A twitter discussion and blackboard discussion are similar in many ways, yet have some distinct differences. Twitter is very much about opinion and saying as much as one can say in very little words. Twitter can be used as educational, professional or for fun. One can say blackboard is used very similarly, however, one must filter what they would like to say when on blackboard because it is an educational platform. Ones professor and classmates are using the information given as a place to learn and communicate in an educational matter. Twitter can be used for the same but isn't always. Many network for jobs, events and campaigns through Twitter. This isn't the case on blackboard.
If anything, an in-class discussion is more like twitter than a blackboard discussion. Many times in class, students and professors go on tangents about what is learning or discussed. It is very easy to stick to the point when posting on blackboard.

Social Networking Sites

The four sites below are all sites I actively use.
I have been a part of them for some time now and I must admit they are quite addicting. These networks are more for fun and ways to communicate are not professional. These networks are often used for networking, marketing  and communicating with friends and family.

Facebook is more of a network for socializing with friends, family, coworkers and so forth. Very much like Twitter. Interacting through post and photos. The difference with twitter is that it is more of a platform to express thought and opinions in less than 110 letters. It is an easier social network and great for "at the moment" situations. Snapchat is very different but still pretty cool. One can chat with others through text or videos. One can upload videos that last for 24 hours. It is similar to vine, however, these videos erase and are more of as one goes. Tumblr is a platform to show views of lifestyle through pictures. One can converse with others re-post.
These all have a lot in common but are still very different. They are social networks in which everyone can find a voice on.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Social Net'g

Social Networking has changed lives. According to, social networking is an online community of people with a common interest who use website or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information, resources, and so forth. Social Networking can be used in many ways but the most obvious would be advertisement. Social networking leads to social media which is a huge factor of our generation. Almost all of my communication courses require I have a linkedin or instagram, both being social media. Business need to be a part of a community in which is responsive. Back in the day, having ads on TV was the most responsive, so most business' used there marketing budgets for commercials and TV ads. In today's day, social networking is the most responsive. People do everything online, from buying, commenting, reviewing, blogging and so forth. When business' become a part of the most popular communities, such as social networking, they will receive much more feedback. 
The benefits of these technologies to society is that it is not only a part of everyones every day but it makes it easier to connect to business'. Today, we find out about the newest business' in our area, online. The option of finding everything you need to know of a company or corporation because it is online helps society and gives everyone the opportunity to know what they are dealing with. The option to share information at the click of a finger is something that didn't happen many years ago. 
There is a "dark side" to everything. There are generations before ours that isn't as in touch with social networking. Information that you can only find online isn't beneficial to these type of customers. People like myself enjoy direct communication. Information online isn't always true and can taint a customers experience without really knowing the company. These area all areas that can hurt a corporation. 
I worry about how far technologies may evolve in our future. The personal connection isn't going to be the same and I feel that is what makes a company. Being a part of an "in-person" community is not only more personable but it creates the importance and significance of that corporation. People skills lack more and more each day because we are moving the area of developing it. Social networking is necessary but shouldn't be the only option for networking. In the article, "Social Networking Technology Boosts job recruiting," is a huge part and perfect example of what technologies may evolve to in our future. The option to online interview is something in use already but is that how we should hire our people. This is removing the people skills necessary. Although this faster and easier, somethings should not be removed or replaced because of social networking. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Blog v Wiki

Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, answer the following questions.
Compare and contrast blogs and wikis. Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world. How can blogs be used for collaboration? Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
Cite at least 2 of the assigned readings.

When asked to compare and contrast blog v wiki, it seemed all so simple and clear. But then, one searches the definition of the two and the connection they do and don't have to each other and its pretty complex. 
Blogs are what I hear best described as online diaries. Blogs can be used for more of a personal level and can range in groups. Just like this course. Blogs can be viewed by everyone and can have a huge impact on the bloggers personal life. For instance, many youtubers and influencers blog. They sometimes used as an outlet. 

Wiki is more of a group effort where as Blogs are made normally by individuals. Wiki is a collaborative functionality. Students can use it to gather information, edit and change the context when he or she pleases. 
Blogs too can be collaborative, such as with classmates commenting on eachother's blogs. Responding to one anothers blog and so forth. People get there ideas of what to blog many times from other bloggers.
The importance of convergence in today's networked world allows a different level of information. People are teaching each other on the internet. In today's day, many people are expressing opinions and ideas and plans via blogs or wiki. It is amazing that this is the new generation with education at ones finger tips. People are able to have a variety of ideas and information all through a network.
A new use for wiki may be ways to create pages that can't be edited but just commented. I don't think this has been done yet.