Wednesday, March 30, 2016


New Media fosters creativity.

New Media takes creativity to another level. The opportunity to create is no longer limited when one can see it come to life on a screen and experience it as it is in their presence. In the two articles I reviewed, Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers, this reminds me of the time the video game NBA 2K was first created. Although its been quite some time that many can create their persons on a a video game, NBA2K took this to another level. Creativity is being used greatly when it comes to video games. In the article is states that many designs and projects are all created digitally. This is reinventing everything for companies.
In another article, 1+1+1=1, it is expressed that music is extremely effected by this new digital media. It is safe to say that music is a different world because of the creativity in new media.

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