Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blog About Twitter

A twitter discussion and blackboard discussion are similar in many ways, yet have some distinct differences. Twitter is very much about opinion and saying as much as one can say in very little words. Twitter can be used as educational, professional or for fun. One can say blackboard is used very similarly, however, one must filter what they would like to say when on blackboard because it is an educational platform. Ones professor and classmates are using the information given as a place to learn and communicate in an educational matter. Twitter can be used for the same but isn't always. Many network for jobs, events and campaigns through Twitter. This isn't the case on blackboard.
If anything, an in-class discussion is more like twitter than a blackboard discussion. Many times in class, students and professors go on tangents about what is learning or discussed. It is very easy to stick to the point when posting on blackboard.

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