Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Social Net'g

Social Networking has changed lives. According to, social networking is an online community of people with a common interest who use website or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information, resources, and so forth. Social Networking can be used in many ways but the most obvious would be advertisement. Social networking leads to social media which is a huge factor of our generation. Almost all of my communication courses require I have a linkedin or instagram, both being social media. Business need to be a part of a community in which is responsive. Back in the day, having ads on TV was the most responsive, so most business' used there marketing budgets for commercials and TV ads. In today's day, social networking is the most responsive. People do everything online, from buying, commenting, reviewing, blogging and so forth. When business' become a part of the most popular communities, such as social networking, they will receive much more feedback. 
The benefits of these technologies to society is that it is not only a part of everyones every day but it makes it easier to connect to business'. Today, we find out about the newest business' in our area, online. The option of finding everything you need to know of a company or corporation because it is online helps society and gives everyone the opportunity to know what they are dealing with. The option to share information at the click of a finger is something that didn't happen many years ago. 
There is a "dark side" to everything. There are generations before ours that isn't as in touch with social networking. Information that you can only find online isn't beneficial to these type of customers. People like myself enjoy direct communication. Information online isn't always true and can taint a customers experience without really knowing the company. These area all areas that can hurt a corporation. 
I worry about how far technologies may evolve in our future. The personal connection isn't going to be the same and I feel that is what makes a company. Being a part of an "in-person" community is not only more personable but it creates the importance and significance of that corporation. People skills lack more and more each day because we are moving the area of developing it. Social networking is necessary but shouldn't be the only option for networking. In the article, "Social Networking Technology Boosts job recruiting," is a huge part and perfect example of what technologies may evolve to in our future. The option to online interview is something in use already but is that how we should hire our people. This is removing the people skills necessary. Although this faster and easier, somethings should not be removed or replaced because of social networking. 

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